Friday, November 29, 2019

Attitude Persuasion Essay Example Essay Example

Attitude Persuasion Essay Example Paper Attitude Persuasion Essay Introduction Introduction: The word attitudeis an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing, or event. Prominent psychologistGordon Allport(1935) once described attitude â€Å"the most distinctive and indispensable concept in contemporarypsychology†. The wordsattitudeandpersuasionare often found together, as in the phrasepersuasion and attitude change. Persuasion is an attempt to change people’s attitudes. For example, advertisers try to persuade potential customers to buy a product. To do this, they try to create a positive attitude toward the product. Social psychologists have emphasized that an attitude ispreparation for behavior. Otherwise, nobody would care about attitudes. An advertiser would not try to make you feel more â€Å"positive† or â€Å"liking† toward a product unless this was assumed to affect your likelihood of buying the product. Attitude as an inward feeling expressed by outward behavior. People always project on the outside what they feel on the inside. But some people try to mask their attitude. You have developed attitudes about such issues, and these attitudes influence your beliefs as well as your behavior. Attitudes are an important topic of study within the field ofsocial psychology. What exactly is an attitude? How does it develop? Studies show that how psychologists define this concept, how attitudes influence our behavior and things we can do to change attitudes. Definitions i. A settled way of thinking or feeling typically reflected in a person’s behavior. A position of the body proper to or implying an action or mental state: â€Å"the boy was standing in an attitude of despair†. ii. Attitude Persuasion Essay Body Paragraphs Attitude is â€Å"a relatively enduring organization of beliefs, feelings, and behavioral tendencies towards socially significant objects, groups, events or symbols† (Hogg Vaughan 2005, p. 150) iii. â€Å"A psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor† (Eagly Chaiken, 1993, p. 1) Explanation An attitude is a cognition (form of thought) that is formed through experience and influences our behavior. The fact that attitudes areformed through experiencemeans that we can, potentially, change them. When a ersuader gives a message to an audience member, that message becomes part of the listener’s experience, and it can affect his or her attitudes. The fact that attitudesinfluence our behaviormeans that we can use persuasion as a means to achieve our goals — when the behavior, or actions, or others can help attain those goals. Attitudes have two basic components: beliefs and values. Beliefs are, roughly, statements of facts. Beliefs are potentially verifiable. We say a belief is true or correct when it seems to reflect the world and false or incorrect when it seems contradicted by the world. Values are judgments of worth, like good or bad, useful or useless, expensive or cheap, efficient or inefficient. Together, these cognitions (thoughts), beliefs and values, form attitudes. (M. Clubertson, 1968)Attitudes are learned from experience and also influence our behavior. A person’s attitude is a composite of all the relevant belief/value pairs, with the more important ones influencing the attitude more. You can change a person’s attitude by changing either the belief or the value (but not both), or by creating new belief/value pairs (or by changing the relative importance of belief/value pairs). Persuasion is, quite simply, the use of messages to influence an audience. The messages that make up persuasive discourse areinstrumental, or means to ends or goals of th e persuader. Companies use persuasion in the form of advertising to convince consumers to buy their products or services. Students use persuasion to convince their parents to increase their allowance, or let them go to see a particular movie, or to let them use the car. Parents can use persuasion to get their children to study or to clean up their rooms. People use persuasion to get their friends to go to see a certain movie, or a band, or to hang out at the mall. Persuasion can convince another person to go out on a date. It can convince a teacher to accept a paper after the due date. Of course, people can also usethreatsto get what they want, but that is not persuasion. In persuasion, we try to convince the audience that they should want to do what we want them to do–not that they should do it â€Å"or else. † One of the most powerful influences on attitude change is the motivation of people. Cognitive dissonance Cognitive dissonanceis a phenomenon in which a person experiences psychological distress due to conflicting thoughts or beliefs. In order to reduce this tension, people may change their attitudes to reflect their other beliefs or actual behaviors. What all the definitions of attitude have in common isevaluation. An attitude is not just a neutral stance; it is a value judgment, favorable or unfavorable, or likely to affect persuasion: characteristics of thecommunicator, thecommunication, and thesituation. People can be inoculated against attempts at persuasion and propaganda by exposing them to weak attacks and teaching them how to respond. (D. Crano, 2005) Cognitive dissonance theory emerged in the 1950s and had a large impact on social psychology. It is based on the assumption that people seek consistency between their behavior and their attitudes. If forced to do something that contradicts their value judgments or opinions, people feeldissonanceand are motivated to change either attitudes or behavior, to bring them into consonance (a greement) with one another. That makes the theory especially interesting and useful. A central question for Dissonance researcher has been the motivational bases for dissonance and the causes of the aversive state of dissonance arousal. In Aronson’s(1992) self concept analysis, dissonance arises from the inconsistent cognitions that threaten consistency, stability, predictability, competence and moral goodness of self concept. In Steele’s(1988) self affirmation Theory, dissonance arises from general self integrity. Stone and cooper(Peety and Wegener 1998) Proposed that dissonance arise when people fail to behave in a manner consistent with some valued self-standard. the specific motivation behind the dissonance supposedly depend on the type of self standard involved. Cognitive dissonance theory (Festinger, 1957) Festinger’s version of balance theory, called cognitive dissonance theory, suggests that when people have in mind two or more inconsistent thoughts or b eliefs, they experience a state ofdissonance. This ‘negative drive state’ is unpleasant, so they are motivated to try to reduce it by altering one or more of the cognitions in order to re-establish a state ofconsonance. Cognitive dissonanceis a term used in modernpsychologyto describe the feeling of discomfort when simultaneously holding two or more conflictingcognitions: ideas, beliefs, values or emotional reactions. In a state of dissonance, people may sometimes feel â€Å"disequilibrium†: frustration, hunger, dread, guilt, anger, embarrassment, anxiety, etc. Cognitive dissonance is one of the most influential and extensively studied theories in social psychology. The theory of cognitive dissonance insocial psychologyproposes that people have amotivational driveto reduce dissonance by altering existing cognitions, adding new ones to create a consistent belief system, or alternatively by reducing the importance of any one of the dissonant elements. It is the dis tressing mental state that people feel when they â€Å"find themselves doing things that don’t fit with what they know, or having opinions that do not fit with other opinions they hold. †A key assumption is that people want their expectations to meet reality, creating a sense of equilibrium. Likewise, another assumption is that a person will avoid situations or information sources that give rise to feelings of uneasiness, or dissonance. Bogardus Social Distance scale For Bogardus â€Å"an attitude is a tendency to act toward or against something in the environment which becomes thereby a positive or negative value. â€Å"Conducted a monumental study on â€Å"social distance â€Å"still used the world over to examine cultural and ethnic attitudes. The Bogardus Social Distance scale measures attitudes about how close or distant people feel towards other people. Early in twentieth century E. S bogardus invented bogardus social distance scale is a technique for scaling attitude to measure social-psychology distance between various ethnic and racial groups Social Distance Scale(Bogardus, 1925) is where attitudes are inferred from the actions of the participant. The participant indicates the degree of intimacy which would be acceptable towards an individual or group, e. g. , ‘Would you live next door to one? ’ Each question has a value assigned it, and the sum of these will indicate the strength of attitude Conclusion Hence we conclude that an attitude can be a positive or negative evaluation of people, objects, event, activities, ideas, or just about anything in your environment, but there is debate about precise definitions. Persuasion is a powerful force in daily life and has a major influence on society as a whole. For example Politics, legal decisions, mass media, news and advertising are all influenced by the power of persuasion, and influence us in turn. What all the definitions of attitude have in common isevaluation. An attitu de is not just a neutral stance; it is a value judgment, favorable or unfavorable, for or ikely to affect persuasion: characteristics of thecommunicator, thecommunication, and thesituation. People can be inoculated against attempts at persuasion and propaganda by exposing them to weak attacks and teaching them how to respond. REFERENCES Crano, W. (2005). Attitude and Persuasion. California: Claremont Graduate University. Clubertson, H. (1968). Attitudes. Journal of Cooperative Extension, 79. Murchinson,C. (1985). Handbook of Social Psychology. Clark University Press . We will write a custom essay sample on Attitude Persuasion Essay Example specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Attitude Persuasion Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Attitude Persuasion Essay Example specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Monday, November 25, 2019

BookBub For Authors The Ultimate Guide (+ Free Submission Calendar)

BookBub For Authors The Ultimate Guide (+ Free Submission Calendar) BookBub for Authors: Everything You Need to Know Whether you’re working on your first book, or have published dozens of them already, my guess is: you’ve probably heard of Bookbub, if not used it yourself as a reader. But I also bet you’re not familiar with all the features and opportunities that the platform offers to authors.In a publishing world increasingly dominated by Amazon, BookBub was able to emerge and establish itself as a company offering a solid marketing alternative to authors and publishers - and has allowed many of them to hit coveted bestseller lists through their Featured Deals.In this post, we’ll run you through everything you need to know, as an author, about BookBub, and how best you can leverage their different tools and services to propel your books in the rankings. In particular, we’ll look at:Featured Deals (and how to maximize your chances of landing one);Self-serve CPM/CPC ads;Bookbub’s â€Å"follow† features.But first, for those of you who’re not y et 100% familiar with their service, let’s start with the obvious question.What is BookBub?BookBub is a free service focused on helping readers discover new books that they'll like. BookBub is mostly known for their daily newsletters promoting a handpicked selection of "deals", i.e. books deeply discounted - or free - for a limited time. As a reader, you can also follow your favorite authors on BookBub and receive notifications when they have a new deal or release.BookBub has over 15 million readers signed up for their newsletters, across as many as 42 fiction and non-fiction genres. Their popularity offers a great opportunity for authors, as most of their â€Å"daily deals† newsletters generate hundreds or even thousands of sales for all the books featured in the newsletter - and tens of thousands of downloads in the case of free books. Learn how to get the most out of BookBub as an indie author. BookBub are highly selective of the books they feature in their newsletters, and being accepted for a Featured Deal has become somewhat of a â€Å"Holy Grail† for independent authors in the past few years. So let’s take a look at how you can achieve just that!How do Bookbub Featured Deals work?For every one of their 42 genre categories, BookBub sends daily and weekly emails to readers (subscribed to that genre) featuring discounted and/or free books. Getting a spot among those discounted/free books is what a Featured Deal is all about. But before we go into what it takes to achieve that, let’s talk money a bit.How much does a Featured Deal cost?First, something quite important: it doesn’t cost you anything to submit your title for a Featured Deal. You only pay if your deal is accepted. Now, when that happens, on top of the cost of the bottle of champagne you’ll open to celebrate it 🠍 ¾, you’ll have to pay BookBub for the feature.The cost of a Featured Deal depends on several factors:The price at which your book will be discounted (the more you discount, the cheaper the Deal);The BookBub genre category you submit your book in (and the expected performance of BookBub newsletters in this genre);Whether you’re getting a US Featured Deal or an International only one (US ones are much more expensive).You can view an updated list of all prices based on these factors here. How can you get your book into a BookBub Featured Deal? BookBub’s criteria for selecting books to featureBookBub’s official criteria to accept Featured Deal submissions are pretty clear. From their own website, your title should be:Free or discounted by at least 50%.The best deal available. The book can’t have been offered at a lower price anywhere in the past 90 days.Error free.A limited-time offer (except for free promotions, where they do accept permafree books).A full-length book, with a minimum number of pages:Novels: 150+ pages;Nonfiction: 100+ pages;Cookbooks: 70+ pagesMiddle Grade: 100+ pagesChildren’s picture books: 20+ pages.No novellas or short stories.Widely available, i.e. at least one major retailer in either the US or the UK. And the more, the merrier.Lastly, BookBub will not feature the same book from an indie author more than once every 6 months. Nor will they feature the same indie author more than once every 30 days. But more on that later†¦Now, these are the minimum requirements for a d eal to be submitted to BookBub. Meeting these requirements certainly doesn’t guarantee your deal will be accepted by their editorial team and featured in a newsletter - far from it. Which brings us to the following, million-dollar question†¦How can I maximize my chances of getting a Featured Deal?In recent years, BookBub Featured Deals have become harder and harder to get for indie authors. Some say that their editorial team favors deals from traditional publishers - though that has been formally denied by the company.One thing is sure: BookBub bases most of its decisions on data. After years of serving deals to millions of readers and watching how these readers react, they have a pretty good idea of what will work (or not) for their audience.BookBub’s selection process for Featured Deals also relies heavily on human curation. They have an editorial team for every genre, that goes through the submissions and handpicks the Deals to feature every day.With that in mind, let’s look at how you can boost your chances of getting that coveted Featured Deal. Here are our top nine tips:Tip #1: Subscribe to BookBub’s newsletters in your genreIf you want to get a Deal in a genre, the first step is to understand what BookBub’s curators in that genre are looking for. And you can get a glimpse of that by simply signing up (as a reader) to their newsletters in that genre. Check out the books they feature and analyze what they have in common (what do the covers look like, what are the price points, how many reviews do the books have, etc.).Tip #2: Make sure your book has an appropriate number of reviewsFrom BookBub’s blog:â€Å"Reader reviews and ratings help our editors get a sense of how readers have responded to your book, and they are a crucial element of the selection process. We recommend browsing through the books we’re featuring in your category to get a sense of what a competitive number of positive reviews is for that genre.†This goes back to our advice above: check out the kind of books they feature and see what their usual number of reviews is. There’s no sense in applying for a Featured Deal until you have a similar number of reviews.Note: for this reason, it’s highly unrealistic (read: a waste of time) to apply for a BookBub Featured Deal for a new release, as you won’t have any reviews to show for it when submitting it. For new releases, BookBub actually has a separate product you could try: Featured New Releases.Tip #3: Polish your product pages on all retailersWhat do BookBub’s curators look at when evaluating a deal? The same thing that readers will: the book’s information on retailer pages. Their goal is the same as yours: selling as many books as possible. So they want to make sure that the books they feature are optimized to drive sales.In particular, this means:The title has a professional cover that matches genre expectations (more on this here);The book’s blurb on retailer pages is optimized to hook and convert readers (more on this here)Optional: The book features editorial reviews or accolades from well-known publications or influencers.Tip #4: Be flexible with your promotion datesWhen applying for a Featured Deal, you can indicate whether you’re flexible with your chosen discount dates or not. Obviously, indicating your flexibility will increase your chances of getting that deal.Do note, however, that BookBub only schedules Featured Deals up to 30 days in advance. So if you apply for a flexible-dates Deal, make sure you’re ready to drop your price across all retailers if you’re accepted.Tip #5: Keep submitting (download our free Bookbub submission calendar)Even if you get all of the above right, and BookBub’s editors think your book would make for a great deal, they might end up declining it just because there are other, even more attractive deals that have been submitted a t the same time.In other words, your chances of getting that coveted Deal also depend on the competition. And the level of competition depends on timing.What’s the solution? Keep submitting! BookBub allows you to re-submit a book every 30 days. So if you have a big list of books, and you really want to get a deal, you can maximize your chances of landing one by continuously submitting every book you have on a 30-day rolling basis.Now, if a Deal is accepted, BookBub won't feature the same indie author for another 30 days, and the same book for another 6 months. So keeping track of when you can and cannot submit each book can quickly become a headache†¦ Which is why we're providing you with a free BookBub submissions calendar - originally created by indie author Nick Thacker - to help you get all your ducks in a row.🠦†ðŸ ¦â€ Ã°Å¸ ¦â€  Sign up here to download our BookBub submissions calendar for free. 🠦†ðŸ ¦â€ Ã°Å¸ ¦â€  Do you regularly submit to BookBub as a #selfpub author? You need to DL this calendar. Tip #6: Try different price points (including free)One of the company's main tips for authors is to keep trying. But of course, receiving constant rejection notifications can become a bit frustrating. So the following three tips will explore what you can change in your re-submissions to augment your chances of getting accepted.The first thing to try is changing the price point. Their’s goal is to offer the best deals possible to their audience. So the lower you can go in terms of price, the higher your chances of being accepted.Furthermore, if you’ve been trying to get a $0.99 Deal for months, without success, try applying for a free one instead!Tip #7: Go wideIf your book is in Kindle Unlimited, I have some bad news for you: it’ll be much, much harder to land a Featured Deal. Here’s why, in BookBub’s own terms:â€Å"When members sign up for BookBub, they opt into the retailers they want to see deals for. So if a book is available on all the major retailers - Amazon, Barnes Noble, Apple iBooks, Google Play, Kobo - more of our readers would be able to snatch it up, which makes the book more appealing to our editors. Between two books with equally competitive platforms and deal prices, the editors will always choose the book available on more retailers.†At Reedsy, we personally know authors who submitted KU books to BookBub over 50 times, without ever getting accepted. One of them, Craig Martelle, finally took one of his books wide, and finally managed to land a Featured Deal with it (albeit an international one). You can read his story on the 20Booksto50k Facebook group (well worth joining!).Tip #8: Submit for international deals firstWhen applying for a Deal, most authors focus on US-only deals. These are the most expensive but also the most rewarding in terms of sales and ranking boosts. But they’re also equally harder to get. So if all your attempts at landing a US deal are failing, try for an international one. Even though they’re less powerful, they can be great for boosting your international reach and presence on non-Amazon retailers.More importantly, there’s anecdotal evidence that once you get a Featured Deal, it’s easier to get another one. So going for free, international Deals is a way to get your foot in the door. And once that door is open, it might lead to paid, US-only Deals.Tip #9: If everything fails†¦ rebrand!If everything above is failing, then there’s probably something wrong with your book. Maybe BookBub editors don’t think it fits into one of their categories. Or maybe they think the cover doesn’t match the genre.This can often be the case for books that were published over 3-4 years ago. Genre expectations regarding covers can change quite drastically, so if you can’t get any Featured Deal for your old books, consider rebranding them. Not only will that boost your chances of getting a Deal, but it’ll also most likely boost your sales, as shown in our case study.How to make the most of a Bookbub Featured DealHurrah! Thanks to our tips, you managed to land a Featured Deal! First off, take a moment to congratulate yourself and celebrate - it’s a big deal. But right after that, start planning your promo period to make the most out of the deal. Here are a few things to consider:#1. Don’t discount your other books in the seriesThis is a common mistake for BookBub Featured Deal first-timers. You want to encourage readers finding your book through the Deal to buy your other books, so you discount those as well†¦But what happens is that BookBub readers are deal seekers. If they see that your other books in the series are at $0.99 as well, they’ll just go ahead and buy them all. Great, right?Well, not really. Because while you might be making a bit more of an instant profit, you’re effectively losing all these full-price sales that would have happened when th ese readers finished reading your discounted book and decided to buy your other ones, full-price. And if you're wondering, yes, BookBub readers do also buy books full-price. Here are the official stats.#2. Run the promo over a longer periodAlmost everyone who ran a Featured Deal is unanimous about this: you’ll get better results if you keep your discount for a longer period than the minimum days required by the service. The reason for that is that Amazon’s algorithms (represented by a friendly emoji below) largely reward plateaus over spikes.If you raise your price right after the BookBub Deal, your sales will abruptly stop. If you keep the discount, they’ll still take a dip, but it won’t be as bad, which will help you maintain a high rank on bestseller lists, and have Amazon take over the marketing for you.If you’re in Kindle Unlimited and manage to get a Featured Deal (congrats, you’re a unicorn 🠦„), then running the discount for lo nger is all the more important to make sure you climb the popularity list and trigger a subsequent wave of page reads - learn how that works in this Reedsy Live with David Gaughran.#3. To stack or not to stack?The practice of â€Å"stacking† ads is that of buying several placements on other book promotion newsletters on top of the BookBub Feature. The goal here is still the same: achieving a plateau, or an upwards trend, rather than a spike.There has been a lot of discussion on ad stacking around Featured Deals in the author community, and the consensus seems to be that:Ad stacking can work for paid Featured Deals;Ad stacking is a waste of money for free Deals.The reason why stacking can be a waste of money for free is that free readers will often sign up to as many promo sites as possible to receive free book alerts. So by advertising your free book on several sites and newsletters, you’re effectively paying more to reach the same readers.#4. Run other ads on the sid eNow, while stacking promo newsletter ads might be a waste of money, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to run ads on your own. Both Facebook and Amazon ads will earn you a lot more sales/downloads if your book is discounted/free.You can learn how to create your first ads on Facebook and Amazon through our free Reedsy Learning courses:Facebook ads for authorsAmazon ads for authorsBut there’s a third self-serve advertising platform that will work even better to move discounted/free copies. And surprise, surprise†¦ it’s BookBub’s!â€Å"Wait, what? Isn’t BookBub what I’ve been reading about for the past 10 minutes?†Yes, but there’s more to it (keep reading)!Bookbub self-serve CPM/CPC adsWhile it’s getting more and more difficult for indie authors to get a BookBub Featured Deal, it’s actually very easy for anyone to get their book in their newsletters. How? Through their self-serve ads. Are BookBub's CPC and CPM ads worth the time and money? How do BookBub self-serve ads work?A few years ago, the company launched â€Å"BookBub Ads,† an advertising platform that lets authors and publishers place image ads in their newsletters (and on their website).To give you a better idea of what that looks like, here’s a typical BookBub newsletter.Notice that â€Å"follow† button? Readers who come across your books (e.g. in Featured Deals) are prompted by BookBub to â€Å"follow† your profile. They’ll also be able to find you in their â€Å"Discover† section:Now, the reason why followers are valuable is that BookBub sends an automatic â€Å"New Release Alert† to all your followers when you release a new book. So if you have 5,000 followers on there, that’s 5,000 release emails that BookBub will send for you, for free. You can learn more about how these alerts work here.And that’s it! If you read this far, you now know pretty much everything you need to know about BookBub an d how to best use their tools to your advantage.If you’ve had a Featured Deal in the past, or used their self-serve ads platform, don’t hesitate to share your advice and experiences in the comments below!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Developmental Disorders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Developmental Disorders - Essay Example ired non verbal behavior and movements, diminished interest in playing and interaction with peers, lack of spontaneity and emotional reciprocity, delay or total lack in speech, repetitive use of language, behavior patterns or mannerisms and constant preoccupation with certain objects (Lord et al; Brereton and Tonge). Recent research has revealed that the cognitive ability of children with autism ranges from severely disabled to normal. They have low IQ scores and have difficulty in verbal sequencing. However, they have good immediate memory and visuo-spatial skills. The language, speech tone and modulation of these children are quite unusual and they sound mechanical and devoid of any emotions. They might use abnormal words, talk out of context or simply repeat them. They also have difficulty in understanding spoken language. Autistic children also suffer from social impairments such as disinterest in interpersonal relationships, lack of non-verbal communication with people and inability to play with other children. Doctors believe that these may change as the child grows. The genetics of autism has revealed that susceptibility to the disorder may be due to the presence of at least 3 abnormal genes. However, more research should be carried out to determine the genetic and environmental factors, if any, that may cause the disorder. Neurobiology Neurobiological evidence suggests that the brains of people with autism are underdeveloped with abnormalities observed in the brain-stem structures. Current research also points to the involvement of the cerebral cortex for onset of clinical symptoms (Hughes). The heterogeneity of the disorder has made it difficult to study the neural systems involved and hence a detailed study of the neurobiology of autism would require proper categorization of the people with the disorder in order to find out the various brain regions causing the various impairments (Lord et al). The key clinical features include narrowing of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Business Environment - Essay Example This paper approves that the general global market analysis has regarded India as efficient and effective investment location for the United Kingdom. Previously the higher level of the tariffs imposed by the respective governments on the list of the selected imports and exports item was responsible for the drastic reduction in the volume of the bilateral trade, but sooner it was realized that India is to be considered as a versatile land which has different flavors to offer. The nature of the trade relationship maintained between both the countries should focus more upon the non-popular items; the exchange of the common items is expected to severe affect the economy of the each country. This essay makes a conclusion that certain gray areas have been identified, and it is expected that the government of United Kingdom will take favorable measures, in exchange for the timely departure and arrival of goods. Considering the example of the Felixstowe which is considered to be the largest port of the country, the port has been used by more than fifteen shipping companies, unfortunately the heavy congestion and failed traffic system has jeopardized the interests of the traders, who always uncertainty of the timely arrival. It is therefore essential for the United Kingdom to offer regular and efficient mode for communication, and ensure that the rights of the local and foreign traders are protected, the exploration of efficient and effective modes of transport is essential because ‘India is efficient and reliable gateways through which the country conduct a fluid system of trade’.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Responsibility of a Nurse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Responsibility of a Nurse - Essay Example The level of responsibility of a nurse in advocating a patient with suspicious injury or illness is very high. A nurse needs to make the patient aware of his/her actual injury or disease in order to make the patient mentally prepare for proper treatment. If there is a possibility of substance abuse or domestic violence, the level of responsibility of a nurse becomes even higher. A nurse needs to report any suspicious injury or illness present in the patient to the doctor in order to assist the doctor in suggesting an appropriate treatment for the patient. It is the ethical and legal responsibility of a nurse to provide the patient with physical as well as psychological treatment while advocating a patient with suspicious injuries. Some of the best ways in which nurses can fulfill their ethical and legal responsibilities include taking proper care of the patient, examining all aspects of the injury, making the patient feel relaxed and safe, and reporting complete case to the doctor. N urses face a number of challenges while dealing with patients having suspicious injuries. Some of the major challenges include making the treatment practical for the patient, making the patient mentally strong, making the patient forget the incident, and maintaining openness and honesty while dealing with such patients.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

What Has Nationalism Done To Europe?

What Has Nationalism Done To Europe? Nationalism had a great impact on the European countries; I think that the concept of nationalism and liberalism was expanded by Napoleon and French revolution and gained more attention between 1750 and 1914. As states were up-and-coming, natives were having pride in their states and their society. Societies were segregating in various small clusters and they were proud of what they were. In 19th Century, Nationalism played very significant part in the progress of Europe. Because of common national-identity, various small states were united and transformed into a Country, such as Germany and Italy. Whereas, few more countries were emerged on the globe by achieving independence; these countries are Romania, Greece, Poland and Bulgaria. Progress and Development of the concept of modern nation state became easier by French Revolution. All over Europe major think tanks questioned the old monarchial order and expedite the growth of a popular nationalism devoted to re-sketch Europes political map. French Revolution played a vital role in Europes political transformation by demolishing the long-established structures of power and control in France and its territories that were conquered by Napoleon. Slogan and Idea of liberty, equality brotherhood and liberalism national self-determinism (respectively) was carried out by Revolutionary armies. National awakening also grew out of an intellectual reaction to the Enlightenment that emphasized national identity and developed a romantic view of cultural self-expression through nationhood. German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was the key supporter and promoter of the modernized idea of the nation-state. He supported that wisdom of nationality was an adhesive bond that held modern civilization together in the era when dynastic and religious adherence was in slump. Strong powers of Europe attempted to reinstate the old dynastic system, overlooking the codes of nationality in support of legitimism, the declaration of customary claims to royal power, this attempt was made in 1815, when Napoleon ended his wars. With most of Europeans still loyal to their local states, nationalism was limited to small clusters of scholar, philosophers and political radical. Moreover, political domination, represented by the Carlsbad Decrees published in Austria in 1819, pushed nationalist protest underground. Term nationalism can be defined in many ways I think it is a supposed identity of oneself within geographically organized political collectivity is called Nationalism. In other words we can say nationalism is a loyalty or devotion to the wellbeing of ones nation. I belief that in nationalism nation beliefs that they will benefit from acting autonomously rather than collectively and they emphasize more on national goals rather than international goals. In early days of Europe before the growth of nationalism, people were generally faithful (loyal) to a city or to their particular leader rather than to their nation. At the end of 18th century American Revolution and French Revolution were started. Napoleon was the founder of nationalism. He did everything for his country. French nationalism destroyed realm (monarchy system). Johann Gottfried Herder was the first person who coined the word nationalism during the late 1770s. As per my knowledge the term nationalism is normally used to explain two phenomena: (1) the attitude which members of a nation have when they are particular about the national identity (2) the actions taken by the members of a nation when seeking to accomplish self-determination. Nationalism came into the focus of idealistic debate for last two decades. The flow of nationalism usually presents an ethically ambivalent and fascinating picture. Nationalism is different from patriotism .Patriotism is love for mother land. Nationalism is extreme love and pride for a country. Now of course there is no harm of being proud of your country if your country is really good in the world (developed and stabled). But to be proud of your country, only because, it is your country is very foolish. Nazism/Fascism is extreme examples of nationalism. Generally, nationalism is considered as a more negative concept as compare to the more positive ones. Nationalism is linked directly to racism. The nations often see themselves as higher and right when in fact they are not. Nationalism has several negative and positive points which can be explained as: Patriotism and national pride; these two things are opposed to national apathy. People consider the wellbeing of the nation to be important in their lives. People are motivated to fight against enemies. People stay together in every crisis situation such as an invasion or a natural disaster. Definitely, loving your country rather than others is a good attribute. Here I would like to give an example of Japan, Japan became a great nation in terms of technologies not only because they are good but because they really love their country. Nationalism on the other hand is the love of ones nation above everything, even our own humanity, above morality, and sometimes above common sense. Apart from positive points nationalism also has some negative points such as: Narrow-mindedness and intolerance. Nationalism can be a destructive force within as well as outside the country, it leads to fragmentation. Misuse or exploitation of the people by their leaders. The creation of false enemies. Either in the form of actual people or in concepts, nationalism tends to create the existence of opposing forces, those who are a threat to the nation. I think nationalism causes people to analyze anything different from their countrys way of doing things as a bad thing. Nationalism is simply blind hold up (support) of your country no matter what are the circumstances. And blind respect and support is inhuman, foolish, and will ultimately lend you to being controlled by a person with a powerful will. Nationalism goes against the concept of progressivism. History has shown that any attempts to prevent progressivism will do nothing but destroy you. In contradiction nationalism can be ugly due to a common cause people from overseas can be frowned upon and looked as unequal figures. Nationalism was not only in Europe but it was spreading all over the world especially after the World War 1. Another extensive effect of the war was the rise of nationalism in Asia and Africa. In Asia Japan was suffering from aggressive nationalism, the first Eastern country which transformed itself into a modern state. The leader of the Indian National Congress, Mohandas Gandhi, deeply encouraged his people for national independence. The leader of a famous party named the Nationalist Peoples Party in China was also motivated for a successful national revolution. After World War II (1939-1945) many colonial countries became economically weak because of aggressive nationalism and they were influenced by political liberalism. Many countries willingly granted independence to their colonies. After war nationalist movements resulted in many new nation-states, including Israel, Morocco, Libya, the Sudan, Ghana, the United Arab Republic (Egypt and Syria), and Iraq. In the 1960s and 1970s many once British, French, or Belgian colonies in Africa became independent. During the 1990s Jewish, Arab, and Palestinian nationalist parties continued to generate political instability in the Middle East. In Eastern Europe the decline of Communist rule contributed to the ending of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia. In the 19th century, an idea of romantic nationalism moved the continent of Europe changing countries of the continent. Some countries, such as Germany and Italy were created by uniting different smaller states with a common goal which was national interest or national identity. Other countries such as, Greece, Poland came in to being after winning their independence. I think the whole story of nationalism started when the French Revolution tiled the way for the modern state. In 1914 number of multi-national empires was increasing drastically. The French Revolution which was started by Napoleon by conquering number of French territories. This was the time when political transformation of Europe was started. The armys slogan was liberty, equality and brotherhood and their ideas were based on liberalism and national identity. In 1815, when Napoleonic wars were about to end, the major powers of Europe tried to re-establish the old monarchy system. Most of the people of Europe were still faithful to their home city. If we talk about impact of nationalism in Eastern Europe so the major problem was nationalism as well as communism. Communism itself is a very narrow and weak idea. On the other hand when nationalism interacts with communism it creates political problems and it weaken the nation. The nationalism has an impact on communism twice but it depends on circumstances. It can strengthen communism among independent and strong countries just like Soviet Union (which was part of Eastern Europe). Or nationalism can weaken communism in dependent and weak countries. Nationalism clearly has the potential to either strengthen or weaken different nations. When nationalism was spreading in Eastern Europe it started destabilizing different empires such as Hapsburg and Ottoman. Russia was involved in Balkan political system in which they started pretending to be somebody or something just like a champion and they imposed Slavic liberties against the Slavs of Turkey and Austria. This increased tensions be tween Austria, Turkey, and Russia and led the states towards World War I. As per my learning nationalism was everywhere in Europe after World War 1. There were number of nationalistic Socialist parties in Italy, Spain, Romania, France and United Kingdom. But those parties were not as successful as the parties which were in Germany and Italy. Most of the people of socialist party were involved in aggressive crimes and they provided harm to many people. Because of that, the Nazi parties in England, France, and Romania failed. The first nationalistic government was formed in Italy and after that Germany and Spain decided to unite with Italy in the fascism government. Nationalism in Europe was pretty much everywhere in Europe after World War 2. One of the most negative examples of nationalism in this century is of Adolph Hitler in Nazi Germany. Adolph Hitler suffered from aggressive nationalism, which resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent people. I think nationalism has given great harm to the European world especially Western Europe and I would like to support my argument by giving an obvious example of Germany. Germans were famous for their discipline, music, strong army and law and order. It was a rising country. But they were very nationalistic and soon they started suffering from aggressive nationalism. German people felt pride in their nation and in their leader, who was bringing Germany back as a world power. Germany was united in 1860 by Bismarck. It had dozen of German states. Around 1870 Germany defeated France and took over the area called Alsace-Lorraine. They used to think that they are supreme and everyone else is inferior and they will rule the world. They called their country as the greatest country in the world and the rest of the countries are weak and inferior to them. Nationalism was the main reason of world war. Adolf Hitler propagated aggressive nationalism. Hitler was a very brave man, full of aggressive nationalism. He had an extreme love with the Germany. He used to say that Germany is a great country and its the superior of all. At that time World War I, the Allied Powers (France, Great Britain, Russia, the United States, and other smaller counties) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey/Ottoman Empire, along with other smaller country support). When 1st World War took place in 1914 Hitler was a soldier of the German army. He wanted Germany to continuously fight against enemies. Germany was having lust of colonies so they started conquering different colonies of Europe. This was the main reason that Germany lost the war. Germans were treated very badly. Germany lost its population, land, their rivers were internationalized, and they lost Alsace-Lorraine. Germany was forced to disarm. France and Britain forced Germany to sign the Treaty of Versailles. This peace treaty was completely against the Germany. It was a harsh treaty. Hitler was completely against this treaty. He was depressed when Germany surrendered on 11th November 1918. After some time he joined a small party and was called to make a speech. His speech was so spectacular that everyone was fascinated by him and then Hitler took over the party and named it as NAZI PARTY (National Socialist German Workers Party). Hitler was anti-communism anti-Semitism, means he was against the Jews. His main goals were to abolish Treaty of Versailles, unite Germany and Austria, remove the Jews from Germany and build a strong central government in Germany. Hitler claimed credit and consolidated his position as a dictator, having succeeded in eliminating challenges from other political parties and government institutions. The German industrial machine was built up in preparation for war. In November 1937, he was comfortable enough to call his top military aides together at the Fuehrer Conference, when he outlined his plans for a war of aggression in Europe. Those who objected to the plan were dismissed. Hitler wanted Germany to rule over the world. He wanted to conquer the whole Europe. Not only Germany but Japan was also suffering from aggressive nationalism. This caused the 2nd World War. I think at the end of World War 2 entire Europe was tired not only by war but also by the internal phobia of two of its major people; Hitlers Germany and Stalins Soviet Union. These two countries went insane, killing their own people and citizens of states which they occupied for reasons that were hardly clear. From my point of view, the anxiety and killing resulted by two world wars on both countries ended up with a mental breakdown. Nationalism was a great worry of that time. I think nationalism had an adverse impact on Europe and it had disturbed entire European community. European nationalism was always deeper than simply love of ones people. Europe is not necessarily unique in this, but it has experienced some of the greatest disaster in history because of it. European ideas of nationalism were repeated everywhere by people who developed their own particular variety of nationalism. But the idea that societies will be organized into nation-states were accepted. COMPANY: KIER GROUP PLC COMPANY: KIER GROUP PLC INTRODUCTION Kier Group plc is a leading company involved in construction, development and services specialising in building and civil engineering, support services, public and private house building, property development and the private finance initiative (PFI). The Groups annual revenue is  £2.4bn and 11000 employees are employed by it worldwide. Kier Group plc deals in four divisions which are Health, Education, Custodial and Retail. Each of the Groups four main divisions is focused on being best in its class. This rare offering of in-house capability, coupled with our strategic alliance business units, presents Kier as one of few organisations able to offer complete solutions for the delivery of a wide range of innovative schemes, frameworks and strategic alliances. Operating from a network of over 50 offices nationwide, all of Kiers locally known and well established business units enjoy particularly high levels of partnered projects and repeat business. The Group also operates overseas, including the Gulf, the Caribbean and Eastern Europe. MISSION STATEMENT By providing our clients with the highest possible quality of service and through the Sustainable and profitable growth, our vision is to be the most highly respected company in the industry. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ã‚  Be enthusiastic, open and honest à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ã‚  Be proactive, committed and safe à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ã‚  Be a team à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ã‚  Be KIER By maintaining our core values and remaining focused on improvement and delivery, our vision will become reality. (WWW.KIER.CO.UK) 1.  Understand the impact of projects and project management on strategic objectives. 1.1  Asses the purpose of project planning and management. Planning is actually about thinking ahead. A project is a well-defined set of activities or actions that is completed in order to meet the projects goals usually under taken to add value or bring about a change. Each task or activity has an independent start and end but they must be completed in a given sequence. A project management is a process of planning and managing resources within a time frame in order to achieve the projects goal. Project management is the discipline of defining and achieving targets while optimizing the use of resources like time, money, people, space, etc. the planning engineer coordinates following management resources: People/skill/manpower, Money, Materials/logistics, Machines e.g.: computers Project management constitutes all the activities needed to plan and complete a project like deciding needs, cost estimation, appointing suitable staff, defining responsibilities, scheduling and arranging things for work. Project management knowledge and practices are best described in terms of their component processes. These processes can be placed into five process groups are initiating, planning, executing, controlling, closing. A typical stage project process framework Organization frame work Culture System System structure Process Before starting the project we have to understand the level of the strategic management Project leader Project team member Upper manager Project manager Resources manager Line manager Product manager Product user group Project testers Strategic Leaders Strategic leaders are generally responsible for large organizations and may influence several thousand to hundreds of thousands of people. They establish organizational structure, allocate resources, and communicate strategic vision. Strategic leaders work in an uncertain environment on highly complex problems that affect and are affected by events and organizations outside their own. Strategic leaders apply many of the same leadership skills and actions they mastered as direct and organizational leaders; however, strategic leadership requires others that are more complex and indirectly applied. Perhaps of principal importance because they exert influence primarily through subordinates, strategic leaders must develop strong skills in picking and developing good second-tier leaders.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay on Kids, Schools and Guns :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Kids, Schools and Guns Guns. The word itself conjures up images of bloodshed and death. Yet instead of instilling fear into people, American society has embraced guns and placed them in numerous homes under the pretence of protection. Add to that image - children. Children and guns should never have any association, yet has become somewhat commonplace because of the many incidences that involve the two. In the age bracket of 10 to 19 years, guns are the second leading cause of deaths, after automobile accidents, in America. Of the 5751 deaths in 1993, 3661 were homicides while 1460 were suicides. One American in that age group dies every 92 minutes regardless of cause, and for every child killed, four are injured. Between 1996 and 1997, 6000 school children were expelled for bringing guns to school. ( In April 1999, two boys in Littleton, Colorado went on a rampage at Columbine High School where 12 students and a teacher were killed. Almost 20 other students were hurt during this incident. They turned the guns on themselves after the shooting was over. Then in May, a 15-year-old boy opened fire at Heritage High School in Conyers, Georgia injuring six students. He had taken a rifle and pistol from a cabinet of weapons in his home. ( In May 1998, in Springfield, Oregon, a 15-year-old, expelled from Thurston High School, returned to the school and opened fire in the cafeteria, killing two students. His parents were later found shot dead in their home, believed to have been killed by the son. The latest shooting took place in Michigan this past February where a six-year-old boy shot dead a classmate. Kayla Rolland, 6, was shot through the neck and died later in hospital. The boy was under the care of his aunt, living in a house where guns were within reach, and drugs were traded for stolen weapons. The six-year-old, suspended from school three times prior to the shooting, once for stabbing a student with a pencil, got the loaded gun from under some blankets on a bed at the house in which he was living. One might imagine that after all these unnecessary deaths, gun laws would be revised to ensure guns are kept out of the hands of children. In America, the Brady Law states that anyone under 21 cannot legally purchase handguns from licensed dealers. There is, however, a loophole whereby 18 to 21-year-olds can purchase handguns from private or unlicensed dealers.

Monday, November 11, 2019

What Role Does Language and Language Diversity Play in the Critical Thinking Process?

Language is one of the greatest tools for people. Through languages we are able to communicate with other people through our sadness, joy, anger and confusion. When there are two people, it is inevitable that our lines will cross and how it resolves depends on communication. Language helps us organize what we wish to tell the other person. When we don’t know the language well enough, we experience difficulty in understanding each other. Furthermore, it is widely held that knowing more language widens our understanding of our experiences. Part of the reason is because when you learn new languages, you learn the culture that comes with it. For example, we cannot fully learn the Korean language without know in the culture. In the learning process, we must learn the culture within the language itself. We also need to be aware that some words do not translate to other language. In that case, we have to think critically on how we could describe in the best way to communicate. As we do that, we acquire more skill in communicating to another, such as considering what the other person might be experiencing. Language and language diversity play a big part in organizing, summarizing, and most importantly responding to the whole process of critical thinking. In critical thinking, communication is the outcome and language obviously is a big part of communication. Communication requires understanding. As I introduced, language is designed so that we can communicate for understanding what and how we feel. Using visual language such as gestures, signs, and pictures also helps with the process of understanding. Interestingly, words have ambiguous meanings based on the different contexts. It is very important to be able to recognize the context in which the word is used in order that there will be clear critical thinking. I believe that language empowers or limits the expression of our thoughts, however I also know that we have emotions that are very difficult to describe. With a lack of vocabulary, we can have a very difficult time in expressing our true thoughts and feelings. Language is made so that we can communicate our emotions within ourselves, and if it is difficult to deliver that precise message, it has the power to enhance or limit the expression of our thoughts. For instance, if I was to speak with a person who speaks a different language, it will be difficult to deliver the a clear message because of the language barrier. The only thing that could help in the situation is the personal knowledge of the language. If we know the multiple meanings of words and the background of the person you are speaking to, we probably could define terms carefully and position our words correctly. Critical thinking could be the most important role in process of persuasion. First, we have to examine and evaluate the situation from several different points of view in order to establish our opinion. This is very similar to the step of selection in critical thinking. Then, we need to collect the source that supports the opinion. This will help greatly when summarizing the conclusion. In the next step, critical thinking will be used again as we need to realize the importance of understanding the issues. One of the most important aspects that we need to be aware of in persuasion is to understand what the other person is thinking for the purpose of better persuasion. Lastly, we need to summarize the game plan, in other words, how you will present according to the opinion and logical analysis with relevant sources. As I describe this step by step, I am convinced that critical thinking holds a crucial role in persuasion. It is essential to be aware of the power of language. It allows us to communicate and understand to advance in our society. Knowledge will also be passed on through language, and when you combine that knowledge with critical thinking, it will widen your understanding to be able to communicate with different people. When language empowers or limits the expression of our thoughts, we need to think critically to seek for the words that might be able to tell the other person what you really feel. Lastly, persuasion can be interfered by the emotions. We need to maintain within critical thinking to be able to analyze logically. If we do not use the language properly, it will cause misunderstanding, hurt, and damages through communications. However, if we know how to use it right and have the better knowledge and understanding, it will help to make this world to a better place.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Useful Vocabulary for a Job Interviews and Résumés

Useful Vocabulary for a Job Interviews and Rà ©sumà ©s During the job interviewing process its important to use verbs that precisely describe your duties and responsibilities at your present and past positions. The following list provides verbs that are both precise and commonly used in an English-speaking workplace. These verbs are used to express responsibilities and tasks performed throughout an applicants professional career.   Great Action Words  for Your Rà ©sumà © A Verb Example Sentence accomplished I've accomplished a lot in my current position. acted She's acted as head of the department. adapted I adapt to team working situations easily. administered I administered four committees. advanced I've advanced many new ideas. advised I advised management on purchasing decisions. allocated I allocated resources on a weekly basis. analyzed I analyzed financial data. applied I applied my knowledge to workflow. approved I approved new products for manufacturing. arbitrated I arbitrated for Fortune 500 companies. arranged I arranged meetings. assisted I assisted the CEO. attained I attained the highest level of certification. B-C Verb Example Sentence blended I blended traditional approaches with new insights. brought I brought a team player sensibility to the job. built We built more than 200 homes. carried out I carried out a wide range of duties. cataloged I cataloged our company's library. collaborated I've collaborated with more than fifty clients. completed I completed the highest level of the training. conceived I've conceived of numerous products. conducted I conducted telephone surveys. constructed I constructed prototypes for marketing. consulted I've consulted on a wide range of issues. contracted I've contracted with large and small businesses. controlled I controlled more than $40,000,000. cooperated I cooperated successfully on more than team projects. coordinated I coordinated between sales and marketing departments. corrected I edited and corrected company brochures. counseled I counseled clients on insurance policies. created I created more than twenty advertising campaigns. D-E Verb Example Sentence dealt I've dealt with a wide variety of issues. decided I've decided I need to further my career. decreased I decreased spending while improving profits. delegated I've delegated tasks on a number of projects. detected I detected a number of mistakes. developed I developed an invention. devised I devised a plan to improve profits. directed I directed the sales department. discovered I discovered the reason. distributed We distributed throughout the country. documented I documented company policies. doubled We doubled profits in only two years. edited I edited company communications. encouraged We encouraged research and development. engineered I engineered a wide range of applications. enlarged I enlarged our community outreach. escalated We escalated the problems to the director. established I established company guidelines. estimated I estimated future costs. evaluated I evaluated investment opportunities. examined I examined sites for pollution. expanded I expanded our sales to Canada. experienced We experienced difficulties meeting the deadline. explored We explored a wide range of possibilities. F-L Verb Example Sentence facilitated I facilitated an exchange of ideas between the companies. finalized I finalized projections for the year. formulated I formulated answers to the questions. founded I've founded two companies. functioned I functioned as a liaison between management and employees. guided I guided operations through the process. handled I handled customer complaints. headed I headed an exploratory committee. identified I identified issues and reported back to management. implemented I implemented company plans. improved I improved the feedback process. increased We increased sales by over 50%. initiated I initiated investments into the latest technology. inspected We inspected more than two hundred companies. installed I installed air-conditioning units. introduced We introduced innovate products. invented The company invented double-sided tape. investigated I investigated customer complaints. led I led the sales department to its best year. M-P Verb Example Sentence maintained I maintained the company database. managed I've managed more than five hundred employees. moderated I moderated negotiations between the two companies. negotiated I negotiated a better deal for the company. operated I've operated heavy machinery. organized I've organized many projects. performed I performed as company clerk. pioneered We pioneered new sound technologies. planned I planned company retreats. prepared I prepared documents for management. presented I presented at many conferences. programmed I programmed the company database. promoted I promoted employees in human resources. provided We provided feedback to management. purchased I purchased materials for the company. R-Z Verb Example Sentence recommended I recommended cutbacks at the company. recorded I recorded notes during meetings. recruited We recruited the best talent. redesigned I redesigned company workflow. repaired I repaired watches for a few years. replaced I replaced the director after only six months. restored I restored the company to profitability. reversed We reversed the trend and grew. reviewed I reviewed company documents and made recommendations. revised I revised figures at the end of each quarter. screened I screened applicants during job interviews. selected I selected employees and assigned tasks. serviced We serviced all the buses in the area. set up I set up four branches. stimulated I stimulated discussion between departments. strengthened We strengthened sales abroad. summarized I summarized complex ideas so everyone could understand. supervised I supervised two teams on the project. supported I supported management with research. tested I tested a number of devices in the field. trained I trained employees. transformed We transformed the company in a short time. upgraded We upgraded our IT infrastructure. validated I validated customer claims. Use these verbs to really sell yourself. You only have a few minutes to show how good you really are. Using this precise vocabulary and being confident can help you make the best impression possible.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Role of arts essays

Role of arts essays Arts are the only medium that can teach us about every historical period through its music, visual arts, literature, dance, and drama. Arts provide opportunities for self-expression, bringing the inner world into the outer world of precise reality. In his essay "Don't Ignore The Arts," Harold M.Williams says that the language of arts is universal and is acknowledged or admired in every culture. He also says that arts help us to understand the people who lived hundred years ago and to learn the history of mankind. They create a connection between instruction and practical applicationleading to deep understanding. Harold questions that if arts play a significant role in human life, then, arts should also be the central source of study in education or in the American schools. I agree with the views of the author . In the essay, Harold gives an example of a physicist Richard Feynman who learned arts (how to draw) at the age of forty-four. The physicist who didnot draw good in high school, became good at it in his late age. This example of Richard Feynman reveals that Arts can be learned and practiced in later part of life. A person who is not good in drawing should not give up, but try to practice it to get good at it. For instance, my uncle who is a software engineer in India, was very creative in his ideas of designing cars in his high school. The only problem he faced to express his ideas was that he was very bad in drawing. The reason that he was not good in drawing was his school system, which did not offer classes in drawing until the tenth grade. So, he quit from designing and became a software engineer. He used to work in a computer company called "Infosys" and at the age forty-nine, he got laid off. Then he applied for job in other computer companies, but all his efforts in vain. Then he thought to join an art school to learn ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Challenges and Issues for Nurses While Caring for Patients Assignment

Challenges and Issues for Nurses While Caring for Patients - Assignment Example Keywords: Nurses, End-of-life care, hospital mismanagement, obstacles Death is a grim reality, an undeniable fact, one which no one can escape. For decades nurses have been taking care of dying patients and their families, most of the time this happens in critical care setting. The role of nurses during the end of life period is a sacred one. It is the period in which it is expected that death is imminent and it cannot be avoided by using any intensive or life extending therapy (Kinoshita & Miyashita, 2011). The care provided during this period is known as end of life care, abbreviated as EOLC. The significance of EOLC is increasing and it is now becoming a subspecialty considering that 27% of deaths have occurred in ICU and of the deaths which occurred in hospital setting 42% of patients were in a specialty unit for the last three days (Bach, Ploeg & Black, 2009). For nurses a good death will be free of pain, will include comfort and respect for the patient and will allow the family to conduct their EOL rituals. In accordance with this the goal of EOLC is to offer support, consideration and attention to patients and their respective families during this period where one is in the last phase of his terminal illness (Doolen & York, 2007). Caring for dying patients is never easy which makes this job one of the most stressful ones. In addition to this nurses are facing a number of challenges and obstacles in providing the best possible care. There are a number of different barriers which are mentioned in various research articles. Crump, Schaffer & Schulte (2010) have identified lack of proper communication, insufficient staff and unfavorable treatment decision as obstacles (2010). However Doolen & York (2007) believe that cultural differences are the main issues which are causing problems in EOLC. This essay is written in order to identify and discuss these issues and challenges affecting the EOLC and see if they can be solved in order to help the nurses in their profession. It is very important to understand the role which culture plays in a health facility. Before this one must understand the concept of culture. Culture comprises of knowledge, ideals, beliefs, conscience, morals, habits, characteristics, perceptions and behavior of a particular society (Lewis, Heitkemper & Dirksen, 2004). Today many of the developed countries have cultural diversity. In accordance with this the nursing staff should also have had a similar diversity which unfortunately is not the case. According to Doolen & York (2007) cultural challenges have three significant elements which need to be considered. These elements include communication regarding the disease, family consultations and approaches regarding the different life extending therapies and advance directives. This can be seen in Korea where it is believed that one shouldn’t discuss death because talking openly about the death will not only bring sadness to the patient but will accelerate the dy ing process (Valente & Haley, 2007). In addition to this people belonging to the Filipino culture believe that if terms related to death are spoken loudly they will interfere with the natural process of healing and will result in death. On the other hand some cultures have beliefs which state that the decisions regarding EOLC are to be only shared with the family members and not with the patient itself in order to protect him from this burden while others have a belief

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Feedback after reading the banking concept of education by Paulo Essay

Feedback after reading the banking concept of education by Paulo Freire - Essay Example In this regard, this paper gives a response to the article "the banking concept of education" by Paulo Freire, clearly and analytically discussing this system of education. Although it is true that students especially in the contemporary world, flourish academically as a result of their ability to master what their teachers have taught them in class, it is worthy also to note that such memory is very instrumental in many fields of study and ought to be nurtured. Generally, the system of formal education has inculcated in the schools through teachers that the students who have the exceptional ability to memorize and master harvested concepts, vocabularies, and outlines are the best academically. While this could be true to some extent, there is a significant need to be cautious in relating this to the academic potential of the concerned students, as sometimes the opposite is true. The banking concept of education is not only harmful to the education sector as a whole but also to the students who merely act as the recipients of knowledge rather than contributors to knowledge. In addition, this system of education normally turns out to be ineffective majorly due to the fact that some of the so called ‘A’ students do not normally perform well in institutions of higher learning and even in the professional world. This is because there is no direct correlation between the ability for one to memorize others’ opinions and the application of the same in real world situations. Such scenario only means that the teachers only use this method of education to assist students pass their examinations and proceed to the next level. Since there is not a single person who has the monopoly of knowledge, it is not a good idea for the teacher to pose as one by being the narrator. The students, who due to their naivety humbly submit to